Learn Web Development With Ease

You know how to code. You know how to build websites. All you need is a little guidance.

By: TJ Bryant
Web development is a fun and rewarding career. It’s also easy to learn if you start at the right place! We’ll take you through all the steps of web development so you can build your own websites and apps.

Step 1: Learn HTML and CSS

The first thing you need to know about web development is that HTML and CSS are two of the most important languages for making websites.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, and it’s the language used to structure and present content on a website. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it’s the language used to style (or change the way something looks) in your HTML documents. Both are markup languages—which means they tell browsers how to display text or images on a page—but they serve different purposes:

  • HTML describes what things look like;
  • CSS describes how those things should look (a little like saying “I’m an egg” instead of “I am shaped like an oval”).

Step 2: Understand JavaScript

Now that you understand the basics of web development, it’s time to learn JavaScript.

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that can be used to create interactive websites and applications. It’s one of the cornerstones of web development and is used by more than 80% of all websites on the Internet today.

There are several different ways to learn JavaScript depending on your learning style and experience level with coding languages. Many resources are available online including books, videos, tutorials, courses and even online communities where you can ask questions or find answers from other developers who have gone through similar experiences as yourself!

Step 3: Use a framework such as Django

Django is a framework that allows you to build websites using Python programming language. It is based on the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture and makes it easy for beginners to start building their own website without having to write any code from scratch.

Django has many features that make it easier for you to learn web development:

  • It has an automatic database migration system which helps you keep track of changes in the database schema and makes sure all your databases work with each other at all times.
  • It comes with built-in administrative templates so you can easily change the look of your website’s pages without having to write any HTML or CSS code yourself.

Step 4: Learn a server side language such as PHP or Ruby on Rails

In the previous section, we saw how a web page is loaded in a browser. The language that creates and displays this page is referred to as client-side code because it runs on the client (browser) side of things.

However, there are also server side languages which run on the server side of things. A server is just a computer that hosts websites and other applications for use by clients (browsers). Server side languages execute queries and process data when users request them from their browsers.

PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, and it’s an open source scripting language designed for web development but can also be used for general purpose programming as well as command line scripting tasks like creating cron jobs or batch scripts etc… Ruby on Rails (ROR) is a web application framework written in Ruby that can be used to develop large scale websites more easily than if they were built with raw PHP alone because ROR provides all kinds of functionality out-of-the box like database integration support which allows you to interact directly with SQL databases such as MySQL without having to write any SQL queries yourself!

Step 5: Decide where to host your website

To host your website, you’ll need to decide on what kind of web host you want. You can find a list of the best web hosts here.

Before deciding which web host to go with, there are some things to consider:

  • How much do they cost? Be sure to look at their pricing structure and compare it with other hosts’. Does one offer better value than the others?
  • How reliable is their service? Check online reviews and see if anyone else has had any problems with them recently. If they’ve been having frequent outages or other issues lately, maybe consider looking elsewhere (or ask them about it!).
  • Do they have good customer service? This is important because if something goes wrong with your site later on down the road, you want someone who will be able to help fix it quickly!

You can learn web development with a little help.

You can learn web development with a little help.

You know how to code. You know how to build websites. You know how to build mobile apps, software, and businesses online. All you need is a little guidance on the right path!


We are excited to see you on your journey as a web developer. Keep up the good work and remember to keep learning!

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