How to Move from HTTP to HTTPS on WordPress

After reading this article, you should have a good understanding of how to enable SSL on WordPress and move from HTTP to HTTPS

By: TJ Bryant

The internet is a scary place. It’s full of hackers and fraudsters who are constantly looking for ways to hack into websites and steal people’s data. This can have devastating consequences for the site owner, so it’s important that your site is secure at all times.

We’re going to show you how to move from HTTP to HTTPS using an SSL certificate in WordPress—and why this is such a good idea!

Security is a major concern for site owners today. One of the most common issues on the web is the lack of https on WordPress sites. However, securing your site with an SSL certificate can boost your SEO and make your site more trustworthy.

Security is a major concern for site owners today. One of the most common issues on the web is the lack of https on WordPress sites. However, securing your site with an SSL certificate can boost your SEO and make your site more trustworthy.

The benefits of SSL certificates are many:

  • Boosts SEO rankingWith HTTPS, Google will give your website a slight boost in search rankings because it indicates that you have a secure connection on your website. Also, Google Chrome recently announced that they will start labeling all HTTP sites as insecure by making them show up as a red lock icon in their browsers (see below). This will make it easier for users to identify what type of connection they have when accessing web pages from their browser’s address bar.
  • Increased trustworthiness – When people visit any website—especially ones that deal with sensitive data like credit card numbers—they want to know that their data is safe and secure behind strong encryption protocols such as SSL certificates

In this post, we’re going to show you how to secure your site using an SSL certificate and move from HTTP to HTTPS in WordPress.

In this post, we’re going to show you how to secure your site using an SSL certificate and move from HTTP to HTTPS in WordPress.

SSL certificates are a type of security certificate that is used to secure web traffic. They are usually given when an internet service provider (ISP) provides access through the internet or through a server or proxy server and it can also be used for authentication purposes by websites.

The two types of SSL certificates are: certificate authority (CA) issued and self-signed certificates. A CA-issued SSL certificate will have the name of the CA at the beginning of its common name field while a self-signed certificate has no issuer name listed in this field but instead relies on cryptographic verification processes within browsers themselves for identity verification purposes.

Let’s get started!

As the owner of a website, you have a responsibility to make sure that your visitors are safe.

By default, all WordPress sites are hosted over HTTP and not HTTPS. This means that when someone visits your URL, their browser will send information about them (such as their IP address) to the server without any encryption.

While this is not a major issue if you only have one or two visitors per day, it could become problematic if they come from an IP address outside of localhost ( This can happen when someone visits your site through Google search results or links from other websites where they may have entered sensitive information into forms on your site such as contact details or passwords for social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter – which could then be exposed due to being sent over unencrypted connections!

Why You Should Move To HTTPS

  • HTTPS is the protocol that encrypts the communication between your browser and the website you are visiting.
  • HTTPS helps prevent man-in-the-middle attacks, where hackers can spy on your communications with a site in order to steal information such as passwords or credit card numbers.
  • HTTPS helps prevent botnet attacks, in which millions of computers with malware installed are used to attack websites.

The process of moving from HTTP to HTTPS is fairly straightforward. By following our step-by-step tutorial, you can secure your website and start reaping the benefits of having an SSL certificate in no time at all.

Moving to HTTPS is a very important step in the right direction for all websites, as it adds an extra layer of security and trust to your website. This tutorial will walk you through how to move from HTTP to HTTPS, so that you can start seeing the benefits of having an SSL certificate for your WordPress site.


After reading this article, you should have a good understanding of how to enable SSL on WordPress and move from HTTP to HTTPS. The process is fairly straightforward, so there’s no need to worry! If you have any questions or comments about this tutorial, please feel free to leave them below—we’d love to hear from you!

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