How To Design Effective Landing Pages

Before you begin to design a landing page, it’s important that you have a set of goals in mind.

By: TJ Bryant

Landing pages are the first impression of your product or service on a potential customer. Successful landing pages have clear CTAs, strong headlines, and relevant images and video. By following these tips, you can create effective landing pages that convert visitors into customers.

Define your goals.

Before you begin to design a landing page, it’s important that you have a set of goals in mind. Your goal should be directly connected to your visitor and what they are trying to accomplish on your website. For example, if someone visits your blog because they are looking for information about consumer products, then the goal would be for them to either download an eBook or sign up for a monthly newsletter.

If the purpose of your landing page is solely focused on getting people interested in learning more about what it is that you do, then consider using something like an opt-in form instead of a sales pitch (or vice versa). This way visitors can easily understand what their next step should be after reading through an article or guide on the site.

Your headline is the most important thing on your landing page.

The headline is the most important thing on your page. It should be written in a clear and concise manner, with no unnecessary words. It should be relevant to the content of your landing page and written in language that resonates with your target audience.

The headline should also have some sort of benefit statement (like “free” or “guaranteed”), which tells people what they will get out of reading more about you or buying from you. If possible, make sure that when someone reads this headline they know exactly what you are selling immediately—no one wants to waste time trying to figure out what it is!

Write a clear call to action.

A clear call to action (CTA) is one of the most important elements of a landing page. This is what will encourage people to take the next step after reading your ad or learning about your product, service, or event. If you don’t include one, you run the risk of losing potential customers who might have been interested otherwise.

In order for it to be effective and clickable, your CTA should:

  • Be prominent on the page—so that viewers can see it without having to scroll down too far
  • Be clear and simple—so that viewers know exactly what they’re clicking on
  • Work on mobile devices—because most people access the web through their phones these days

Remove distractions.

  • Remove distractions.

It’s important to remove any distractions from your landing page. This means removing navigation, other links, clutter, and unnecessary images. You should also consider removing excessive text—especially if it’s overly complex or boring. The goal is to keep the visitor focused on one thing: converting into a customer!

Include an image or video of your product in action.

One of the best ways to get your visitors excited about your product is by showing them what it can do. You can do this by using a video or image of your product in action.

Videos and images are better than text because they appeal to a wider range of senses, giving you more opportunities to build trust with visitors. As such, they’re a great tool for breaking up walls of words and showing off what makes your business different from its competitors’.

Images or videos should be relevant to the content on your landing page; otherwise it will look cluttered and disorganized. Don’t include too many images or videos either: that’ll only distract from what matters most (which is probably why people came here in the first place).

Use testimonials from other customers.

  • Use testimonials from other customers. Testimonials are one of the most effective ways to build trust with prospects, and they can be used on your landing page in a few different places. You could use them at the top of the page, or you could use them as testimonial blurbs underneath images or videos.
  • Be sure to make sure that any testimonials you use are authentic and current. If you have been in business for several years, there may be some old reviews that don’t reflect how things are now (but will still appear on Google). If someone has purchased from you recently and is happy with their purchase, ask if they’d be willing to write a review for your new product/service/etc., so that prospective customers see these newer reviews first!

Use contrasting colors for buttons and CTAs.

Contrasting colors are more effective than similar colors. In order to make sure that your landing page has the desired effect, you’ll want to use contrasting colors for buttons and CTAs. For example, use a button color that contrasts with the background color or text color, or even both at once! This can help ensure that people notice your CTA and click on it as intended. You can also use contrasting images on top of a contrasting background image—this creates an experience that makes users feel like they’re seeing something new even though they’re not seeing anything new at all.

Design for clarity and simplicity, with a compelling CTA that drives users further down the funnel.

  • Design for clarity and simplicity. You want your landing page to be clear, simple, and straightforward. Keep it simple—don’t overwhelm users with too much information or too many options.
  • Use contrasting colors for buttons and CTAs. Contrasting colors are important on your landing pages; they help draw the eye toward the CTA (call-to-action). So when designing a button or CTA button make sure that you use a color that is different than the rest of your page’s palette. This makes it stand out even more so you will grab their attention immediately when they land on the page which leads us right into our second point…
  • Include an image or video of your product in action! People love watching videos when making purchasing decisions because they can get a better feel for what they’re buying before actually purchasing anything themselves; this is why we recommend adding an image or video of what exactly it is that you’re selling as soon as possible within this section so that people don’t just see text but something more visually appealing instead (which also helps with keeping them engaged longer).
  • Write clear calls to action! The purpose behind every call-to action button should be obvious without any confusion about what users should do next; therefore we recommend creating CTAs like “Shop Now” instead of ones filled with multiple words such as “Order Now And Receive A Free Gift When You Order By June 30th” which can cause confusion among those who may not understand where exactly their desired destination lies within such long text strings..


We hope these tips will help you design landing pages that convert more visitors into customers. Remember that even the best design won’t work if it doesn’t meet your goals and needs, so always be sure to define what you want before moving forward!

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