Vue vs. React: Which Javascript Framework is Best

Both are good options for building modern web applications, but what’s most important is that you choose one that fits your needs the best.

By: TJ Bryant

The JavaScript ecosystem is full of frameworks and libraries, but there are two that stand out from the rest: Vue and React. They have similar goals — to make it easy for developers to build experiences on the web — but each goes about it in a different way. We’ll take a look at how these two approaches compare, how you can use both together, and why you might want to choose one over the other.

Vue is easier to start with

One of the major selling points of Vue is its ease of use. The framework’s smaller API makes it easy to learn and understand, which means developers can get started with Vue fairly quickly.

In addition, Vue has excellent documentation. There are multiple guides available on their website that can help you figure out what you need to know about Vue: one for beginners and another for more advanced users. These resources will teach you everything from how to create a simple app using Vue all the way up through building complex applications using components and routing in a single file. If something isn’t covered in these documents or elsewhere on their website then there will likely be an answer on Stack Overflow or some other developer forum — there’s no shortage of information available!

React is more popular

React is the most popular JavaScript framework. In fact, it’s more popular than Vue in terms of number of contributors and projects on GitHub. If you Google for “best JavaScript frameworks”, React comes out on top. So why do so many people choose to use Vue instead?

There’s no denying that React has a much higher profile than any other framework out there—it’s been around since 2013, when Facebook open-sourced it to avoid having to write their own alternative to AngularJS (the current version is called React). It also has an impressive list of contributors who have helped power its rise in popularity over time:

  • [React]( – Total Repo Stars: 70K+; 1st non-Facebook project ever to achieve 50K+ stars
  • [Vue]( – Total Repo Stars: 16K+; 3rd non-Google project ever to achieve 10K+ stars

Both are fairly lightweight and fast

Both Vue and React have very similar performance characteristics. They’re both relatively lightweight, fast and can handle large amounts of data with ease. That said, it does appear that React is slightly faster than Vue when it comes to rendering DOM elements on the page.

However, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing as one of the main benefits of using Vue over React is its smaller file size (19KB vs 62KB). This makes it ideal for situations where you want to keep your page load times low without sacrificing performance or functionality.

Vue has a good template syntax

Vue is often praised for its template syntax. It’s easy to understand and learn, as well as to read and write. For beginners, it’s a great way to get started with Vue because it uses HTML-like markup that’s close enough to HTML that you can use the same ideas you’ve learned with other frameworks in your templates without having to relearn any syntax rules.

For experienced developers, the simplicity of the syntax means they don’t have much time spent learning new things when switching from an already familiar language (HTML).

Vue doesn’t have JSX

Vue does not have JSX. This is something that has been polarizing for developers—some love it, others hate it.

Basically, JSX is a syntax for writing HTML in JavaScript. The main advantage of this approach is that you don’t need to rely on a template system like Vue; instead, you can just write your HTML inside your JavaScript code and compile it at runtime with Babel (a toolkit that compiles ES6+ code into ES5).

However, since JSX isn’t an official standard and isn’t supported by all browsers yet (although most modern browsers support it), some people prefer not to use a third-party solution such as Babel when they can simply stick with the traditional method of embedding HTML directly into their files using tags.

In addition to being required if you want to use JSX in your project, the fact that Babel compiles all .js files into .jsx files means that any time you make changes to those .js files before compiling them again with Babel will cause errors or unexpected behavior when running those new changes because they won’t be compatible with what was previously compiled into .jsx files!

You can use the two together

The next step is to look at how the two frameworks integrate with each other.

Use the one that suits your needs best.

When it comes to choosing the right framework, use the one that suits your needs best.

In this article, we’ve covered some of the major differences between Vue and React. As you can see, both are excellent options for building modern web applications. We hope you found it useful in making an informed decision about which one is right for you!


I hope you now have a better idea of the differences between Vue and React. Remember, both are good options for building modern web applications, but what’s most important is that you choose one that fits your needs the best.

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