SaaS Products Are the Future

If you're not familiar with the term SaaS (pronounced "sass"), it's time to get acquainted. This acronym stands for "software as a service," and it's one of the most important trends in business today.

By: TJ Bryant


If you’re not familiar with the term SaaS (pronounced “sass”), it’s time to get acquainted. This acronym stands for “software as a service,” and it’s one of the most important trends in business today. Software as a service (SaaS) refers to using software that is hosted on servers owned by the company that created it, so you don’t have to worry about upgrading or maintaining your computers or other devices. This means less downtime for businesses, which is great news for small businesses who need their technology working at all times!


SaaS is a software-as-a-service model in which the vendor hosts the software or application in a cloud environment and makes it available to users over the internet. The benefits are many, including lower costs for development and deployment, increased flexibility for users, and improved scalability. But there are also risks involved with SaaS. For example, if your company develops proprietary data that cannot be exported easily or at all from your existing systems into an SaaS platform, then you may want to consider an alternative solution instead of moving forward with SaaS.

A big question companies should ask themselves before implementing any software solution is: Is it going to scale? Will it meet our needs now while still being flexible enough that we can grow into more advanced features as our business expands? If not (and if there’s no clear path forward), then this might not be the right product for your organization just yet!

What Is SaaS?

Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is a business model for cloud software, whereby the software licenses are hosted by a service provider and licensed on pay-per-use basis.

With SaaS, users can access programs and data as needed using an internet browser without needing to install any software on their systems because all applications are accessible via the web. This eliminates the need for IT managers to maintain hardware, software and supporting infrastructure such as networks or servers.

The History of SaaS

SaaS was first introduced in the late 1990s, and it’s been on the rise ever since. SaaS stands for “software as a service,” which means that the software is hosted on a server and accessed via an Internet connection. The subscription-based model has been around for 20 years now—and it’s showing no signs of slowing down.

In fact, according to research from Gartner Inc., worldwide spending on software as a service will grow at an average annual rate of 16% through 2020 (which makes sense when you think about how much more efficient it is).

Why Do People Use SaaS?

  • Subscription-based payments are easy for customers.
  • Subscription-based services are easy to upgrade and downgrade.
  • Subscription-based services are easy to cancel.
  • Subscription-based services are easy to get started with.

The Benefits of a Subscription-Based Business Model

The benefits of a subscription-based business model are numerous. If you’re looking to start a SaaS company, here are some of the advantages:

  • Easy to use: Anyone can sign up and start using your product immediately. There is no need to install anything or configure anything; it just works right out of the box. This makes it easy for new customers to get started on their own without having to call you or your support team with questions about how something works.
  • Easy scalability: Your business grows as fast as you want it too because all that is required is more servers in order for more people to use your product at once (most often at no additional cost). On top of that, if one server isn’t enough anymore then simply clone what’s already running and add some more clones into a load balancer pool so no one really notices anything different except how much better everything feels now than before!

SaaS Growth Potential Is Strong

With SaaS, your product is getting better and more useful every day. You don’t have to worry about paying for a warehouse or keeping inventory on hand. You can focus on finding new customers, rather than trying to find places for them to buy your product. In fact, many companies that sell through SaaS are seeing incredible growth potential.

We’ve talked about how much potential there is for software-as-a-service (SaaS) products—but what does this mean for the future of business? Well, it means that if you’re considering selling a product via SaaS, now’s the time! Here’s why:

  • Companies like Slack have been able to grow exponentially by taking advantage of SaaS’ ability to scale quickly and easily as they gain new users and customers.
  • More people are accessing their information online instead of in person or over the phone. This means there will be plenty more opportunities available for those who create digital products that help make life easier or simply more convenient!

Subscription-Based Payments Are Changing the Way We Do Business

When it comes to purchasing a product or service, there are a few different options. We can buy the item outright, we can pay for it on a subscription-based plan (such as Netflix or Spotify), or we can lease it. Each of those choices has its advantages and disadvantages—but with SaaS products, they all have one thing in common: they’re significantly easier to manage than buying a physical product.

Subscription payments allow companies to enter into long-term contracts with their customers. This makes them easier to manage than one-off payments because they allow customers to commit more time and money upfront while still giving them freedom of choice later on down the line if they need more time between payment installments or want something from another provider instead of continuing with you. Subscription plans also allow businesses like yours to offer multiple products at once without worrying about whether the customer will stick around through all those purchases (and remember that every new customer means more revenue!). Finally, recurring services mean that no matter how many times someone uses your product over time (for example: paying for insurance each month), there’s always going

to be an automatic renewal system in place so you know exactly how much money will be coming in next year without having any awkward conversations about changing plans etcetera ad infinitum…

How to Succeed With a Subscription-Based Product or Service

As a subscription-based product or service, you’re bound to have customers who ask questions about various aspects of your product. Here are some tips for making sure that all your users are satisfied with the experience:

  • Make sure it’s easy to use. It’s the most important thing! If they can’t figure out how to use your software or service, they won’t stick around long enough for you to make any money off them. You should have an intuitive UI (user interface) that guides new users through the basics of what they need in order to be successful with your product—without being too overwhelming or condescending.
  • Make sure it’s secure. In today’s world, where hackers and cyber criminals run rampant online looking for any opportunity they can find in order to steal credit card numbers and other sensitive information from unsuspecting users’ computers and mobile devices, security is paramount when building software products for businesses or consumers alike! There should be no way anyone could gain access without proper authorization from their account holders first; otherwise everything else falls apart very quickly.* Make sure installation is easy too.* It needs work on responsiveness when used across multiple types of devices (smartphones/tablets/computers).

SaaS Is Taking Over the World, but What’s Next?

SaaS is the future of technology. It’s an incredibly powerful way to reach customers, whether you’re selling a product or providing a service. But that’s only the beginning of what SaaS can do for your business.

If you want to maximize the potential of SaaS, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Create new revenue streams by creating additional products and services around your existing SaaS offering. Your customers already trust you and have made their decision about which product or service they need from you—now it’s time for them to see even more value from working with you! You can create additional add-ons that offer complementary features so that every customer gets exactly what they need when they buy from you (and pays accordingly). This will also help expand your reach into new markets as well as increase engagement within existing ones.
  • Think outside the box with how else SaaS could benefit both yourself AND others around them (i.e., other businesses). Perhaps there are other companies out there who could benefit from certain aspects of your own offerings but don’t currently have access to them? If so, consider partnering up with those organizations; this could be done through joint ventures or simply by sharing resources during mutually beneficial times such as conferences or trade shows where both parties might make announcements regarding their products/services afterwards.”


SaaS is the future of business. It’s no longer just a trend or something that’s here today and gone tomorrow. In fact, it’s so popular that it’s become the norm. Subscription-based payments have changed how we do business and they’re here to stay. Companies like Netflix, Spotify, Apple Music and others have proven that people are willing to pay for their services on an ongoing basis rather than buying them outright with one-time purchases like buying a CD album or renting an apartment for a month at time (like Airbnb). We predict this trend will continue into the next decade as more businesses realize what SaaS has done for them and adopt it as their own model of doing things!

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