Proven Tips to Improve Your SEO

We hope these tips will help you improve your SEO and make it easier to get more traffic from search engines.

By: TJ Bryant

SEO is a powerful tool that can help you stand out in search results, increase website traffic, and improve your overall online presence. And while SEO isn’t exactly easy, there are some basic best practices that any webmaster can follow to improve their website’s SEO ranking. Here are nine simple yet effective tips for improving your site’s average SEO ranking:

Use the Right Keywords

  • Don’t use keywords that are too general.
  • Use the right keywords in your content.
  • Use the right keywords in your title.
  • Use the right keywords in your meta description.
  • Use the right keywords in your URL, especially if it’s a video or image file name, or an internal link to another page on your site that contains relevant information for users searching for those terms.

Add Images and Multimedia

Images and multimedia can be great ways to engage readers and help you rank higher in search results. According to Search Engine Journal, “Images are more likely to have higher click-through rates than text-based content.” This means that images may grab your audience’s attention more than words, which could result in more visitors coming to your website through organic search engine results.

Adding an image can help you address keyword intent. For example, if you write a blog post about the best way to lose weight but don’t include any images of people exercising or looking healthy after losing weight, then it’s not clear what kind of content is being presented. Adding an image showing fit people will tell your readers exactly what they need in order to achieve their goal—weight loss!

Write for Real People

One of the easiest ways to improve your SEO is to write for real people. That means using a conversational tone and never forgetting that you’re writing for humans.

This doesn’t mean you have to dumb down your content (or use bad grammar), but it does mean avoiding jargon, acronyms, overly technical language, and other stuff that can make it difficult for readers who aren’t familiar with the subject matter at hand.

Use simple, straightforward language instead—and if you’re having trouble putting together a sentence that sounds natural or that flows well from one idea to another? Don’t be afraid to ask an editor friend for help!

Get the Right URL Structure

When it comes to SEO, URL structure is a key component in the process of getting your site found by search engines and people alike. If you want to improve your SEO and get more traffic from search engines, here are some tips for setting up your URLs:

  • Use keyword-rich URLs: The first step when organizing your website’s URL structure is making sure they’re keyword-rich. For example, if you have an article about dog training on your blog, the URL might look something like this: This makes it easy for people to find what they’re looking for by searching Google and other websites by typing in keywords related to dogs or training them.
  • Separate categories with hyphens: There may be times when you have multiple categories on one page (such as “articles” + “blog posts”) or even subcategories within an overall category (such as “dog training” + “housebreaking”). In order not too confuse visitors who may be looking for something specific but could also fall into another category here’s how we organize things so that users can easily navigate our site without having any difficulty finding what they need:”

Delete Unnecessary Pages

In your quest to improve SEO, you will want to start by removing any unnecessary pages. This can be a time-consuming process, but it is absolutely worth the effort. For example, if you have a page that is not linked to by any other pages or internal links (links coming from other pages on your site), then it probably doesn’t need to exist. If a page is not linked to from external links (links coming from other sites), then it also may be superfluous. These are just some ways you can use this trick for improving your search engine optimization.

Improve Your Page’s Loading Time

You might have heard of a CDN before, but you’re not sure what it does or why you need one. Well, a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a service that offers faster web delivery by hosting files on servers across the globe and serving them to users by location. This means that if the user is located in New York City then they would be served with files from servers located in New York City; if they were in London they would be served with files from London; etc.

A fast server can also improve your page loading time because it will allow your visitors to access your website faster than before. If your website has slow loading times then this could negatively affect its SEO rankings as well as reduce traffic due to users abandoning their browsing sessions before completion or returning later when they have more time available (and patience).

Optimize Your Images

Images are what makes a website come alive. They add color, style and visual impact to your site and can make or break its success. Successful websites often contain images that accompany their content such as product photos, infographics and charts, but the right images can also boost your SEO too!

Image Optimization Tips:

  • Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) whenever possible to serve your images from a server close to the visitor’s physical location. This reduces latency for faster page load times for users in those regions which helps with user engagement metrics as well as rankings in local searches. A CDN is also useful if you are using lots of dynamic image resizing by allowing them to be served from one place instead of every time they are requested.

Use a CDN

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a large network of servers that provide their services to users located far from their headquarters.

When you use a CDN, your website’s content and other assets are stored on multiple servers around the world. This ensures that users in different geographic locations will get the fastest possible speed when loading your site’s data.

When choosing the right CDN, there are many factors to consider:

  • How much traffic does your website receive?
  • What kind of content do you host on it?
  • Do you need advanced features like image optimization or video delivery?

Use these 9 tips to improve your average SEO rankings.

  • Use the right keywords
  • Add images and multimedia
  • Write for real people
  • Get the right URL structure
  • Delete unnecessary pages (for example, an old version of your home page)
  • Improve your page’s loading time by reducing the weight of its components (like JavaScript files, CSS stylesheets, etc.) as much as possible without sacrificing functionality or usability
  • Optimize your images so they use less space while still looking good on any screen size


We hope these tips will help you improve your SEO and make it easier to get more traffic from search engines. What other methods do you use? Let us know in the comments below!

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